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Lisa Miller Hedin

Miss North Carolina

Lisa is a registered nurse who has spent most of her adult life dedicated to helping dialysis patients. When Lisa was in nursing school her father came down with kidney disease and Lisa wanted to learn more. Today she is a senior clinical educator for a major medical manufacturing company that specializes in dialysis products. Lisa has a wide range of experience with kidney disease as a family member, nurse, Educator and now as a medical advisory board member with the National Kidney Foundation and the 1in9 documentary.

In 2015 Lisa won the Ms. North Carolina America title. Since Lisa was crowned Ms. North Carolina America 2015, she aligned with the National Kidney Foundation, Carolinas and planned to use her “crown for a purpose”. Lisa traveled all over the state of North Carolina increasing awareness and fundraising efforts to contribute for more research. She made several media appearances to raise awareness and educate the public that 1:3 people are at risk for kidney disease. Lisa traveled to Los Angeles in August of 2015 and competed in the Ms. America competition.

Lisa did not win the Ms. America crown but was awarded for her efforts with the National Kidney Foundation. She won the “Woman of Distinction” award. Lisa was chosen because she best personified the intelligence, beauty & humanitarian efforts of what today’s woman represents and the mission of the Ms. America pageant. The Ms. America pageant organization honored Lisa for her efforts to improve the lives of others and she successfully represented the American woman.

Lisa is originally from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and currently resides in Charlotte with her 11 year old son. When not traveling for work, she enjoys going to gym, spending time with friends and rooting on her favorite footballs teams—The Pittsburgh Steelers and Carolina Panthers.

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